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"School was very well run and kids had fun at the same time. A Class Act."

"We have been very impressed with this school and in particular the personal approach taken by yourself and staff to follow-up with the participants."

"Instructors displayed an obvious wealth of knowledge both technical and practical."

"Instructors were very knowledgeable and interacted well with the kids."

"Instructors certainly did wonders for our son's confidence and he had a ball."

"Level of supervision was great. We watched closely the first day as our son is only Novice age and we quickly found all your instructors were great, just like mother hens."

"Great mix of senior instructors combined with younger major junior instructors."

"Super job of supervision on and off-ice."

"Strong balance between skill, instruction, fun and keeping interest of kids on track."

Bedford Hockey School
August 18 – August 22, 2025
BMO Centre

To maximize individual attention, every group will be limited to 24 players and 3 goaltenders.

This school is open to boys and girls from ages 6 – 17. It consists of four separate groups divided by age and ability.

Note U7 (IP2) kids are eligible for U9 (Novice).

U9 (Novice) Group will have 12.5 hours on-ice time, spread over 5 days. An excellent instructor to player ratio will be maintained in all sessions. One off-ice session daily will be structured to the needs of 6-8 year olds.

U11 (Atom) Group will have 12.5 hours on-ice time, spread over 5 days. An excellent instructor to player ratio will be maintained in all sessions. One off-ice session daily will be structured to the needs of 9 - 10 year olds.

U13 (PeeWee) Group will have 12.5 hours on-ice time, spread over 5 days. An excellent instructor to player ratio will be maintained in all sessions. One off-ice session daily will be structured to the needs of 11 - 12 year olds.

U15 (Bantam)/U18 Group will have 12.5 hours on-ice time, spread over 5 days. An excellent instructor to player ratio will be maintained in all sessions. One off-ice session daily will be structured to the needs of 13 - 17 year olds.

The school will focus on the basic skills of skating, puckhandling, passing and shooting. In addition, the school is designed to stress the individual fundamental skills and systems-related aspects critical for a player to become an accomplished Defenceman, Forward, or Goaltender. Separate defence, forward and goaltender drills will be conducted for each age group. At times, defencemen, forwards, and goaltenders will work apart and at times together.

U9 (Novice) detailed schedule

U11 (Atom) detailed schedule

U13 (PeeWee) detailed schedule

U15 (Bantam)/U18 Midget detailed schedule

On-ice time: 12.5 hours
Off-ice time: one daily
Cost: $530.
Cost for Goaltenders: $270.
(see Special Fee Discounts for Multiple School, Family or Group Discounts)

Thank you for your interest in our Bedford Hockey School.

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