Halifax Power Skating Hockey School
July 28 – August 1, 2025
Halifax Forum
Group sizes will be limited to 24 participants.
Like the Spring Specialty School this school will focus on quick starts, stopping, acceleration, stride lengthening, crossovers, lateral movement, backward striding, pivoting, turning and transition; but with the 10 hours of on-ice time available skaters can look to making major improvements in their skills. Marie Bowness, a former Canadian Skating Pairs Champion, will be the primary instructor for these schools. Each day an off-ice session will provide specific exercises designed to further improve skating performance. Note U7 (IP2) kids are eligible for U9 (Novice).
U9 (Novice) detailed schedule
U11 (Atom) detailed schedule
U13 (PeeWee)/U15 (Bantam)/U18 (Midget) detailed schedule
On-ice time: 10 hours
Off-ice time: one session daily
Cost $440.
(see Special Fee Discounts for Multiple School, Family or Group Discounts)
Thank you for your interest in our Halifax Power Skating Hockey School.